What are some commonly used timing features of

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What are some commonly used timing features of Node.js?

setTimeout() schedules execution of a one-time callback after delay milliseconds.

The callback will likely not be invoked in precisely delay milliseconds. Node.js makes no guarantees about the exact timing of when callbacks will fire, nor of their ordering. The callback will be called as close as possible to the time specified.

When delay is larger than 2147483647 or less than 1, the delay will be set to 1. Non-integer delays are truncated to an integer.

setImmediate() schedules the "immediate" execution of the callback after I/O events' callbacks.

When multiple calls to setImmediate() are made, the callback functions are queued for execution in the order in which they are created. The entire callback queue is processed every event loop iteration. If an immediate timer is queued from inside an executing callback, that timer will not be triggered until the next event loop iteration.

setInterval() schedules repeated execution of callback every delay milliseconds.

When delay is larger than 2147483647 or less than 1, the delay will be set to 1. Non-integer delays are truncated to an integer.

Sources: Timers | Node.js v19.3.0 Documentation. (n.d.). https://nodejs.org/api/timers.html