React Global State

React does not have built-in support for global state management. Some popular options to manage the global state include:

  1. Context API: React's built-in Context API allows you to create a global state that can be accessed by any component within a React application. It provides a way to pass data through the component tree without explicitly passing props at every level.

  2. Redux: Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript applications, and it is often used with React. It provides a centralized global state management solution where all the application state is stored in a single store. Components can access the state and update it using actions and reducers.

  3. MobX: MobX is another state management library that can be used with React. It provides a simple and efficient way to manage application state by using observable objects. Changes to the state are automatically tracked, and components can observe and react to these changes.

  4. Recoil: Recoil is a state management library developed by Facebook. It provides a simple and flexible way to manage the state in React applications. Recoil introduces the concept of atoms, which represent pieces of state, and selectors, which derive values from one or more atoms. Components can subscribe to atoms and selectors to access and update the state.

These are just a few examples of how you can manage global state in React applications. Each library or pattern has its own strengths and trade-offs, so the choice depends on the specific requirements of your project.